安森美半导体收购领先的 SiPM, SPAD 及LiDAR 感测产品供应商 SensL Technologies Ltd

2018-05-09 17:20


2018年5月9日 - 推动高能效创新的安森美半导体公司(ON Semiconductor,美国纳斯达克上市代号:ON) 今天美国时间宣布收购 SensL Technologies Ltd. (以下简称 “SensL” )。此次收购预计将立即增加安森美半导体的非公认会计原则 (Non-GAAP)每股盈利。 SensL总部位于爱尔兰,是专为汽车,医疗,工业和消费市场提供硅光电倍增管(SiPM)、单光子雪崩二极管(SPAD)和光达(LiDAR)感测产品的一个技术领导者。此次收购使安森美半导体扩展其在先进驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)和自动驾驶的汽车感测应用领域的市场领导地位,拓阔在成像,雷达和光达的能力。结合此次在爱尔兰的收购、及此前在以色列和英国收购的雷达技术和设计中心,安森美半导体具备独一无二的优势,为下一代高度自动化汽车提供全面的传感器方案,以及巩固公司在图像感测和超声波泊车辅助的领导地位。安森美半导体计划于2018年下半年推出采用2017年收购的雷达技术的样品。

图像传感器部高级副总裁兼总经理 Taner Ozcelik 说:“由 Carl Jackson 创立并由 Bryan Campbell 领导的整个 SensL 团队将SiPM推进市场做得有声有色,我们期待扩大他们在市场上的成功,并继续其 LiDAR、医疗成像和辐射探测的产品组合。汽车传感器融合的需求正在加速增长,需求更多由 SensL 团队提供的传感器技术。扩展我们在爱尔兰的传感器技术资产和设计能力将使我们能够扩大在既有细分市场的领先地位,并为新兴细分市场提供世界一流的新方案。”

SensL 团队将直接向图像传感器部汇报。该团队位于爱尔兰的科克,扩大安森美半导体全球传感器设计网络,覆盖美国、英国、日本、印度、以色列和爱尔兰。

SensL 目前是医疗成像新领域的领导者之一,提供围绕 SiPM 和 SPAD 技术的宽广产品线,为实现实惠的固态 LiDAR 铺平道路。该公司一直是汽车 LiDAR 新兴领域的领导者,拥有多个客户和基于其领先的 SPAD 和 SiPM 深度感测技术的强大产品路线图。过去15年,SensL深度投资于研发,是深度传感技术的一个领导者。该技术基于 CMOS,为高性价比的固态LiDAR 方案提供规模经济效益,并为具有挑战性的成像情景提供领先的深度精度、距离和功耗。这些深度感测技术还能够推进工业机器人、机器视觉、无人机以及移动和其他消费应用的发展。此外,安森美半导体宽广的产品组合与专用集成电路(ASIC)优势与 SensL 的传感器相辅相成,能提供更完整和优化的方案给汽车、医疗、工业和消费市场广泛的客户。

此次收购巩固了安森美半导体作为自动驾驶和 ADAS 应用感测方案的领导地位,提供全面的成像、雷达、超声波和 LiDAR 技术和产品组合。

安森美半导体(ON Semiconductor,美国纳斯达克上市代号:ON)致力于推动高能效电子的创新,使客户能够减少全球的能源使用。安森美半导体领先于供应基于半导体的方案,提供全面的高能效电源管理、模拟、传感器、逻辑、时序、互通互联、分立、系统单芯片(SoC)及定制器件阵容。公司的产品帮助工程师解决他们在汽车、通信、计算机、消费电子、工业、医疗、航空及国防应用的独特设计挑战。公司运营敏锐、可靠、世界一流的供应链及品质项目,一套强有力的守法和道德规范计划,及在北美、欧洲和亚太地区之关键市场运营包括制造厂、销售办事处及设计中心在内的业务网络。更多信息请访问http://www.onsemi.cn。
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安森美半导体和安森美半导体图标是 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC 的注册商标。所有本文中出现的其它品牌和产品名称分别为其相应持有人的注册商标或商标。虽然公司在本新闻稿提及其网站,但此稿并不包含其网站中有关的信息。

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Cautions regarding Forward-Looking Statements This document contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the consummation and benefits of the acquisition by ON Semiconductor Corporation ("ON Semiconductor") of SensL and the future financial performance of ON Semiconductor. Forward-looking statements are often characterized by the use of words such as "believes," "estimates," "expects," "projects," "may," "will," "intends," "plans," or "anticipates," or by discussions of strategy, plans or intentions. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this release and current expectations, forecasts, and assumptions and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include a variety of factors, some of which are beyond our control. In particular, such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: difficulties encountered in integrating SensL; difficulties leveraging desired growth opportunities and markets; the prospect that automotive, medical, industrial and consumer sensor markets will not grow as rapidly as currently anticipated; the variable demand and the aggressive pricing environment for semiconductor products; the cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry; the adverse impact of competitive product announcements; revenues and operating performance; changes in demand for our products; technological and product development risks; litigation, including with respect to intellectual property matters; and availability of raw materials. Information concerning additional factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements is contained in ON Semiconductor's Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and other of ON Semiconductor's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are as of the date hereof and should not be relied upon as representing our views as of any subsequent date, and we do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, except as may be required by law. For additional information, visit ON Semiconductor's corporate website, www.onsemi.com, or for official filings visit the SEC website, www.sec.gov.
The SensL team will report directly into the Image Sensor Group. The team is located in Cork, Ireland and expands a global sensor design footprint that now includes major locations in the United States, UK, Japan, India, Israel, and Ireland.
SensL is a leader today in the new frontier of medical imaging with broad product lines around SiPM and SPAD technologies which pave the way towards affordable solid state LiDAR. The company has been a leader in the emerging field of automotive LiDAR with multiple customers and strong roadmap based on their leading SPAD and SiPM based depth sensing technologies. SensL has been a leader in these depth sensing technologies with deep investments in research and development for the past 15 years. The technology is based on CMOS, which provides the economies of scale for cost effective solid state LiDAR solutions and enables leading depth accuracy, distance and power consumption for challenging imaging situations. These depth sensing technologies also enables advances in industrial robotics, machine vision, drones as well as mobile and other consumer applications. Additionally, complementing SensL's sensors with the expanded ON Semiconductor portfolio and strength in ASICs, ON Semiconductor will be able to provide more complete and optimized solutions to its broad customer base in automotive, medical, industrial and consumer markets.
This acquisition solidifies ON Semiconductor as a leader in sensing solutions for autonomous driving and ADAS applications, with a comprehensive portfolio of imaging, radar, ultrasound and LiDAR technologies.


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